Insertion sort
1.Insertion sort
Start with a sorted sub-list of size 1
Insert the next element into the sorted sub-list at the time right position. Now the sorted sub-list has 2 elements.
By inserting into a sorted sub-list at every step the sub-list soon grows to be the entire list
將每一個元素與右邊的元素比較, 一旦右邊的比較小, 則開始swap (跟bubble sort很像)
Insertion sort first assumes a sorted list of size 1 and inserts additional elements in the right position
3.Example code (Java)
Insertion method
Complexity of Bubble sort is O(N^2)
Checking "N" elements for each of "N" selected elements
It's adaptive sort
It takes O(1) extra space, it sorts in space (No extra space)
因為用原本的list儲存 (in-place 演算法)
It is a stable sort:
As entities bubble to the correct position in the sub-list that is sorted. The list the original order of entities are maintained for equal elements.
It makes O(N^2) comparisons and O(N^2) swaps (與Bubble sort相同)
5.Insertion sort v.s bubble sort
Bubble sort requires an additional pass over all elements to ensure that the list is fully sorted.
Bubble sort has to do "N" comparisons at every step. Insertion sort can stop comparison elements when the right position in the sorted list is found.
Bubble sort performs poorly with modern hardware because of the number of writes and swaps that it performs. Results in cache misses so has greater overhead than insertion sort.
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