Shell sort

1.Shell sort

  • 是insertion sort的改良, 又稱為增量遞減排序排序法 (diminishing increment sort), 謝耳排序法

  • 將原本的list藉由"increment"來切成sub-list

    • 每個sub-list皆用insertion sort來排序

    • 逐漸降低Increment直到等於1

    • 利用前一次排序的成果來加快排序

  • The cool thing is that since that since the list was almost sorted it's far easier to get to a fully sorted state with increment set to 1.

    • Shell sort的表現比Insertion sort好


3.Example code (Java)

  • Modified insertion sort

    • Insertion sort takes in a start index and an increment

    • All iterations through the list are based on the increment

    • Adjacent elements separated by an increment are compared

    • Break out of the inner loop if no element is swapped

public static void insertionSort(int[] listToSort, int startIndex, int increment) {
    for (int i = 0; i < listToSort.length; i = i + increment) {
        for (int j = Math.min(i + increment, listToSort.length - 1)
             j - increment >= 0;
             j = j - increment) {
            if (listToSort[j] < listToSort[j - increment]) {
                swap(listToSort, j, j - increment);
            } else {
  • Shell sort

    • Picked an increment at random

    • Slowly reduce the increment

public static void shellSort(int[] listToSort){
    int increment = listToSort.length / 2;
    while (increment >= 1) {
        for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < increment; startIndex++) {
            insertionSort(listToSort, startIndex, increment);
        increment = increment / 2;


  • Getting the exact complexity of Shell sort is hard because it depends on the increment values chosen

  • It's also not clear what the best increment value is.

  • The complexity of Shell sort is better than insertion sort as the final iteration sort with increment = 1 has to work with a nearly sorted list.

    • The complexity of Shell sort is somewhere between O(N) and O(N^2)

    • Different value of increments produce different complexities

  • The algorithm is adaptive since it's based on insertion sort which is adaptive.

  • It takes O(1) extra space, it sorts in space (No extra space)

    • 因為用原本的list儲存 (in-place 演算法)

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