Quick sort

1.Quick sort

  • divide and conquer algorithm

    • The partition is not based on the length or an artificial index, it's based on a pivot

  • The pivot is an element from the list

    • The list is partitioned with all elements smaller than the pivot on one side and larger than the pivot on the other

  • The pivot partition is applied to all sub-lists till the list is sorted


  1. The "partition" method which finds a pivot and moves elements to before or after the pivot

  2. The "quicksort" method which does the recursive call to sort the sub-list

  • partition method

//Low and high specify indices which determin what portion of the list we're working on
public static int partition(int[] listToSort, int low, int high) {
    //Choose a pivort to partition the list
    int pivot = listToSort[low];
    int l = low;
    int h = high;
    //The loop continues so long as the indices don't cross one another art the center
    //Moving from either end of the list towards the center we compare the elements to the pivort
    while (l < h){
        while (listToSort[l] <= pivort && l < h) {
        while (listToSort[h] > pivort) {
        //Elements larger than the pivot are swapped to after the pivot 
        //and smaller elements move before the pivot
        if (l > h) {
            swap(listToSort, l, h);
    //Swap the pivot element to the correct position in the list
    swap(listToSort, low, h);
    return h;
  • quicksort method

public static void quickSort(int[] listToSort, int low, int high) {
    //Stop the sort if the lower index is not actually lower than the higher index
    if (low >= high) {
    //Find the pivot
    int pivotIndex = partition(listToSort, low, high);
    //Quicksort the portion of the list on either side of the pivot
    quickSort(listToSort, low, pivotIndex - 1);
    quickSort(listToSort, pivotIndex + 1, high);


  • The average case complexity of quick sort is O(NLogN)

  • The algorithm is not adaptive

  • It takes O(LogN) extra space for call stack in the recursion

  • The worst case for space complexity could be O(N): 依實作出來的層數覺定

  • It is a stable sort

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