Selection sort

1.Selection sort

  • At each iteration 1 element is selected and compared with every other element in the list to find the smallest one

  • Selection sort selects one element at a time, compare it to all other elements in the list

    • The correct position for that selected element is found before moving on to the next element


  1. 一開始選擇list中的第一個元素, 將這個元素依序與每個其他元素相比, 若是比較大則swap, 找到最小的元素

  2. 選擇第2個元素與其他剩下的元素比較, 找到最小的元素

  3. 重複1 ~ 2作完整個序列

3.Example code (Java)

  • SelectionSort method

public static void selectionSort(int[] listToSort) {
    for (int i = 0; i < listToSort.length; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < listToSort.length; j++) {
            if (listToSort[i] > listToSort[j]) {
                swap(listToSort, i, j);
  • Helper method

    • Swap

    public static void swap(int[] listToSort, int iIndex, int jIndex) {
        int temp = listToSort[iIndex];
        listToSort[iIndex] = listToSort[jIndex];
        listToSort[jIndex] = temp;
    • Print

    public static void print(int[] listToSort) {
        for(int el: listToSort) {
            System.out.print(el + ",");


  • In the worst case "N" elements are checked for every selected element

    • Complexity of selection sort is O(N^2)

  • It is not a stable sort: entities which are equal might be re-arranged

  • It takes O(1) extra space, it sorts in space

    • 因為用原本的list儲存

  • It makes O(N^2) comparisons and O(N) swaps

  • It's not adaptive sort

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