Selection sort
1.Selection sort
At each iteration 1 element is selected and compared with every other element in the list to find the smallest one
Selection sort selects one element at a time, compare it to all other elements in the list
The correct position for that selected element is found before moving on to the next element
一開始選擇list中的第一個元素, 將這個元素依序與每個其他元素相比, 若是比較大則swap, 找到最小的元素
選擇第2個元素與其他剩下的元素比較, 找到最小的元素
重複1 ~ 2作完整個序列
3.Example code (Java)
SelectionSort method
Helper method
In the worst case "N" elements are checked for every selected element
Complexity of selection sort is O(N^2)
It is not a stable sort: entities which are equal might be re-arranged
It takes O(1) extra space, it sorts in space
It makes O(N^2) comparisons and O(N) swaps
It's not adaptive sort
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