

  • Last element you add to the stack is the first one you access (Last In First Out)

  • Top (最後一個)

  • Push: Adding a new element to the top of the stack

  • Pop: Removing an element from the top of the stack

  • Peek

2.The complexity

  • Push, pop: O(1)

  • isEmpty, IsFull, size: O(1)

3.Where can stacks be used

  • Implementing undo in an application

  • Implementing the back button on the web browser

  • Holding the memory for recursive calls in a programming language

  • Translating infix notation for expressions to postfix

4.Match parenthesis in an expression

  • map: 存放} {, ) (, ] [

  • set: 存放{, (, [

  • stack: 後進先出, 用來確認上一個元素是否符合map的值

private static final Map<Character, Character> matchingParentsMap = new HashMap<>();
private static final Set<Character> openingParentSet = new HashSet<>();
static {
    matchingParentsMap.put(')', '(');
    matchingParentsMap.put(']', '[');
    matchingParentsMap.put('}', '{');

public static boolean hasMatchingParents(String input) {
    try {
        Stack<Character> parentStack = new Stack();
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
            char ch = input.charAt(i);
            // Add to the stack for an opening parent
            if (openingParentSet.contains(ch)) {
            if (matchingParentsMap.contains(ch)) {
                Character lastParent = parentStack.pop();
                if (lastParent != matchingParentsMap.get(ch)) {
                    return false;
        return parentStack.isEmpty();
    } catch (Stack.StackOverflowException soe) {
        System.err.println("Stack StackOver");
    } catch (Stack.StackUnderflowException sue) {
        System.err.println("Stack StackUnder");

5.Find the minimum element in a stack in constant time

public static class MinimumStack{
    private Stack<Integar> stack = new Stack<>;
    private Stack<Integar> minimumStack = new Stack<>;
    public void push(int data) throws
        Stack.StackOverflowException,Stack.StackUnderflowException {
        int min = data;
        if (!miniStack.isEmpty()) {
            if (min > minimumStack.peek()) {
                min = minimumStack.peek();
    public int pop() throw Stack.StackUnderflowException {
        return stack.pop();
    public int getMinimum() throw Stack.StackUnderflowException {
        return minimumStack.peek();

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