Add the end of queue and remove elements from the beginning of the queue (First In First Out)
Enqueue: Adding a new element to the end of the queue
Dequeue: Removing an element from the beginning of a queue
Offer: Adding to a queue if space is available
2.The complexity
Enqueue, dequeue, isEmpty, isFull: O(1)
space complexity: O(N)
3.Where can stacks be used
Customer service hotline, calls are assigned to representatives in the order that they are received
Queueing jobs to be printed
Any order processing systems like in e-commerce websites or bank transaction systems
4.Implement a queue using two stacks
Forward stack
Use a forward stack used to push the enqueue elements
Enqueue operations are always performed on the forward stack
Enqueue requires moving all elements to the forward stack and pushing the last element in I.E. the top
Reverse stack
The reverse stack holds the elements in reverse order from the forward stack
Dequeue operations are always performed on the reverse stack
Dequeue requires moving all elements to the reverse track and popping the last element in I.E. the top
Performance and complexity
All enqueues and then dequeues ate O(1) - if only one of these operations are performed
5.The circular queue
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