Priority queue
1.Priority queue
When a certain element in a collection has the highest weightage or priority - a common use case is to process that first
The data structure you use to store elements where highest priority has to be processed cab be called a priority queue
At every step we access the element with the highest priority
Insert elements (along with priority information)
Access the highest priority element
Remove the highest priority element
Unordered | Oredered | |
Insertion | can be anywhere in the list or array: O(1) | Requires finding the right position for the element based on priority: O(N) |
Access | Accessing the highest priority element requires going through all elements in the list: O(N) | Accessing the highest priority element is then easy: O(1) |
Remove | Removing the highest priority element requires going through all elements in the list: O(N) | Removing the highest priority element is straight forward: O(1) |
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